My Favorite TV Shows

Recently I started tracking all of the movies that I watch on a site called Letterboxd and all of the shows that I watch on a site called Trakt. You can find my respective accounts here and here. As of now, I have tracked 807 films and 1,750 TV shows. Over the next few days, I’d like to go through my ten favorite TV shows that I have watched all the way through and why I love them so much. In this post, I’ll post the list of my favorites, then I’ll update the list with links to my thoughts as I get around to writing them down.

Top Ten

  1. Breaking Bad Breaking Bad
  2. The Newsroom The Newsroom
  3. Better Call Saul Better Call Saul
  4. Ozark Ozark
  5. Silicon Valley Silicon Valley
  6. Mr. Robot Mr. Robot
  7. The Office The Office
  8. Rick and Morty Rick and Morty
  9. You You
  10. Futurama Futurama
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Welcome to my blog!

Hello blog reader! Welcome to my blog. I’m not entirely sure what all I will post on this blog, but I do have some ideas. I will definitely post about things I learn at work. I work in software, so there are always new things that I can share. I will also post about the media I consume, be it podcasts, books, movies, TV shows or music. Once the global pandemic that is COVID-19 is over, I will also share all of the cool places that I travel to. Finally, I’ll make sure to share some of my thoughts on the current political landscape. I’ll focus mostly on national and state (Wisconsin, Kansas and Iowa mostly), but also local and global politics. I hope you’ll find something that you enjoy or can learn from.

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